chatGPT writes fake biography

The following pure fiction was written by chatGPT.  The person described does not exist.   The detailed biography was created by chatGPT.  The “photograph” of the person was created by DALL-E.

PROMPT: “Professor John Hickrotten-Faber is a famous chemist who has invented several CRISPR techniques. Write a 500 word biography about his influential work”

Fictional person "Hickrotten-Faber" - created by DALL-EJohn Hickrotten-Faber is a renowned chemist and molecular biologist known for his pioneering work in the field of CRISPR gene editing. He received his undergraduate degree in chemistry from Cambridge University and went on to earn his Ph.D. in molecular biology from the University of California, Berkeley.

After completing his Ph.D., Hickrotten-Faber began working at the University of California, San Francisco, where he and his team discovered the CRISPR-Cas9 system, a powerful tool for editing genomes. This discovery revolutionized the field of genetic engineering by making it much simpler and more precise to make specific changes to the DNA of living organisms.

Hickrotten-Faber’s work on CRISPR-Cas9 led to the development of several new techniques for editing genomes, including base editing and prime editing. These methods greatly expanded the capabilities of CRISPR gene editing, making it possible to make more complex changes to DNA, including the correction of genetic diseases.

In addition to his work on CRISPR, Hickrotten-Faber is also known for his research on the regulation of gene expression, the process by which genes are turned on and off in a cell. He and his team discovered several key regulatory elements in the genome that control the expression of genes and are involved in the development of cancer.

Hickrotten-Faber’s contributions to the field of genetics have earned him numerous awards and honors, including the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, the Japan Prize, and the Royal Society’s Royal Medal. He is also a member of several prestigious scientific societies, including the National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society.

Overall, John Hickrotten-Faber’s work on CRISPR and gene regulation has had a profound impact on the field of genetics and has paved the way for new treatments and therapies for a wide range of genetic diseases. His research continues to inspire new discoveries and advances in the field, and his contributions will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the future of medicine and biotechnology.

Ethics by Design

Technical Background

Blogging by AI

The following was written by OpenAI, using the AI ContentWriter plugin for WordPress.

The prompt given was merely the title “Ethics by Design” Writing Style was set to “Technical” and Tone was set to “Formal”.  Most headings were generated by OpenAI by I needed to give it a little more focus so I added “The Values by Design Movement”, “EU Requirements for Ethics by Design” and “Ethics by Design in AI Development”. OpenAI was also set to write introductory and concluding paragraphs.

As you can see, the headings it created were fairly generic, talking about a high level concept more than anything specific. What we learn from this is that, as OpenAI reflects the overall content of human expression (as far as its learning set allows), there is a possibility OpenAI output will naturally gravitate to majority opinions.

Artwork was created by DALL E, using the prompt “a friendly robot lecturing at a university photorealistic”


Ethics by Design is a concept that seeks to ensure that ethical considerations are part of the design process for products, services, and systems. This approach seeks to create ethical products, services, and systems that are mindful of how their design, use, and impact will affect individuals, the environment, and society. The goal of Ethics by Design is to embed ethical considerations into the design process to prevent unethical outcomes. This includes considering how a product, service, or system will be used and how it will impact individuals, the environment, and society as a whole. By implementing ethical considerations into the design process, we can create products and services that are both beneficial and responsible.

An Overview of Ethics by Design

Ethics by Design is a concept created to help organizations better align their operations with ethical standards and principles. It is based on the belief that ethical considerations should be integrated into the design of products and services from the very beginning, rather than as an afterthought. This approach ensures that the organization’s entire operation is built on a foundation of ethical values. The key components of Ethics by Design include the identification of core ethical values; the adoption of a code of ethics; the development of principles for ethical decision making; and the implementation of procedures and processes that support ethical behavior. This includes things such as making sure that customer information is secure, avoiding conflicts of interest, and ensuring that all employees understand and adhere to the organization’s ethics policies. The ultimate goal of Ethics by Design is to create an organizational culture that is committed to doing the right thing, even when it is not required by law. It is a proactive approach to ethics that seeks to instill a sense of responsibility in employees and promote ethical decision making. By explicitly defining the organization’s ethical values and expectations, it can help to ensure that all employees understand the importance of ethical behavior and strive to make the right decisions.

The Values by Design Movement

The Values by Design Movement is an effort to bring together people from diverse backgrounds to promote the idea of designing according to values. The movement seeks to create a culture where values-driven decision-making is the norm. This is achieved by fostering conversations among individuals and groups, educating on the importance of values-design, and connecting members to relevant resources. The Values by Design Movement encourages people to make decisions based on their core values, rather than just on cost or convenience. This approach is advocated for in almost all areas of life, including business, technology, education, religion, and politics. By focusing on values-driven design, individuals and organizations can create more meaningful and sustainable products, services, and systems. The Values by Design Movement also seeks to promote collaboration and innovation across different industries and sectors. By connecting people from different backgrounds, the movement encourages the exchange of ideas and resources, which can lead to the development of new solutions to problems. The Values by Design Movement is a global effort and is gaining traction in many countries. It is supported by various organizations, including the Values Alliance and the Values by Design Institute. These organizations offer educational resources and host events to help people learn about the importance of values-based design. The Values by Design Movement is an important step forward in creating a more values-driven world. By promoting conversations and collaborations, it is helping to create a culture where values are respected and valued.

Exploring the Benefits of Ethical Design Principles in Technology

Ethical design principles are essential for the development of any technology, and their application can have far-reaching implications. As technology advances, the need for ethical design principles to be taken into consideration is becoming increasingly important. This article will explore the various benefits of incorporating ethical design principles into the development of technology. The first benefit is the promotion of user safety. Ethical design principles help to ensure that technology is designed and developed in a way that protects users from any potential harm or abuse. This includes privacy considerations, such as ensuring that user data is not shared without their consent, as well as security considerations to protect users from malicious software or hacking attempts. The second benefit is the promotion of trust. Ethical design principles ensure that technology is developed with the users’ interests in mind, and that the technology is being developed in a responsible way. By building trust between users and the technology, developers can create products that people are more likely to use and engage with. The third benefit is the promotion of social responsibility. Ethical design principles help to ensure that technology does not have a negative impact on society. This includes considerations about how the technology will be used, as well as how it will affect the environment and other people. For example, when developing autonomous vehicles, ethical design principles may be used to ensure that the vehicles are designed to be as safe and responsible as possible. Overall, ethical design principles provide a number of benefits when it comes to the development of technology. These principles help to promote user safety, trust, and social responsibility. As technology continues to advance, the importance of ethical design principles will only increase, and it is essential that developers and companies take these principles into account when developing new technology.

EU Requirements for Ethics by Design

Ethics by Design is an approach to development that ensures that ethical considerations are taken into account when designing new products and services. This approach is now a mandatory requirement within the European Union. In order to meet this requirement, companies must ensure that their products and services are designed with ethical considerations in mind. This includes taking into account issues such as privacy, security, data protection, and consumer rights. Companies must also demonstrate that they have taken steps to ensure that their products and services are designed in a way that is compliant with relevant legislation and regulations. The European Union has set out a number of specific requirements for companies to ensure that their products and services are designed with ethics in mind.

These include:

  • Developing a clear and comprehensive policy on ethical considerations in product and service design.
  • Ensuring that processes and procedures are in place to ensure that ethical considerations are taken into account during the design and development process.
  • Establishing a system for monitoring and assessing risk associated with ethical considerations in product and service design.
  • Developing measures to ensure that ethical considerations are taken into account when making changes to existing products and services.
  • Ensuring that all staff involved in product and service design are aware of the ethical considerations that must be taken into account.
  • Establishing processes for reporting any issues related to ethical considerations in product and service design.

By adhering to these requirements, companies can ensure that their products and services are designed in an ethical and responsible manner. This will help to protect the rights of their customers, safeguard their reputation, and protect their business from potential legal challenges.

Ethics by Design in AI Development

AI development is an increasingly important tool for businesses and organisations, allowing for rapid automation and optimisation of processes. As the technology continues to evolve, there is a need for ethical considerations to be taken into account during its design and development. This article will explore how AI developers can incorporate ethical considerations into their development processes and how these considerations can benefit the end user. When developing AI, it is important to ensure that the algorithms are designed to benefit human users, rather than exploiting them.

This can be achieved through three key steps.

Firstly, developers should ensure that the algorithms are designed to be transparent and accountable. This requires that the developers include mechanisms for users to understand how the algorithm works and how it is impacting their decisions.

Secondly, developers should ensure that the algorithms are designed to be fair and equitable. This means that the algorithms should be designed to minimise bias, such as by avoiding data sets that may contain bias or by accounting for different demographics in the data set.

Finally, developers should ensure that the algorithms are designed to be secure and reliable. This means that the algorithms should be designed to minimise risks to users, such as by protecting user data and preventing any malicious use of the algorithm.

By incorporating ethical considerations into the development of AI, developers can ensure that the algorithms are designed to benefit the end user. This can result in increased trust in the technology, as well as increased user adoption. Additionally, it can help ensure that the algorithms are compliant with legal requirements, such as data protection regulations. Finally, ethical considerations in AI development can help protect users from potential harms, such as malicious use of the algorithm or biased decision-making.

In conclusion, ethical considerations should be an integral part of any AI development process. By incorporating these considerations into the design and development of algorithms, developers can ensure that their AI solutions are designed to benefit the end user, rather than exploiting them. This can lead to increased trust in the technology, as well as increased user adoption and compliance with legal requirements.

The Responsibility of Designers to Uphold Ethical Standards in the Digital Age

In the digital age, designers have a responsibility to uphold ethical standards. As technology has become increasingly pervasive and integrated into all aspects of society, designers must ensure they are aware of, and adhere to, the ethical principles that govern the digital space. Designers must recognize that their work not only has an impact on the people who will use their designs, but also on broader social, economic, environmental, and political systems. Therefore, it is essential that designers understand their ethical obligations and the potential consequences of their work. For example, designers must consider the implications of the data they collect and store, and how it could be used by themselves or others. They need to ensure that user data is securely stored and is not used in ways not authorized by the user.

Furthermore, designers must consider the potential privacy implications of their designs. They must ensure that users are provided with clear and understandable information about how their data is collected and used, as well as the ability to provide informed consent. Designers must also be aware of the potential for their designs to discriminate against certain groups. They must ensure that their designs are inclusive and accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, and do not inadvertently contribute to existing inequalities.

In addition, designers must ensure that their designs are not used for malicious purposes or to spread misinformation or inappropriate content. They should also be aware that their designs may be used to manipulate users, such as through targeted advertising or persuasive design practices, and must take steps to protect users from such manipulation. By taking the time to consider these ethical implications, designers can ensure they are meeting their responsibilities in the digital age. They can also be confident that their designs are helping to create a safe and equitable digital environment.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Influencing Ethical Design

As technology continues to rapidly evolve, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a growing influence in many aspects of our lives. AI has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, and it has the potential to shape the way we design products, services, and experiences. AI-driven design is becoming increasingly important, and it is crucial that designers take into account ethical considerations when creating AI-driven products. Ethical design, or design that takes into account the ethical implications of a product, is becoming increasingly important in the AI space. This means that, when designing AI-driven products, considerations must be made to ensure that the product does not cause any harm or infringe on any rights of its users. Ethical design should also strive to ensure that the product does not cause any unintended harm to those who interact with it.

AI has the potential to dramatically increase the effectiveness of ethical design. AI can be used to automate many of the processes involved in ethical design, such as data analysis and risk assessment. AI can also be used to gather feedback from users, allowing designers to quickly identify any potential ethical issues and address them before the product is released. In addition, AI can be used to create more personalized experiences for users. AI-driven products can collect data on user preferences and use this data to create experiences tailored to each individual user. This allows designers to create products that not only meet user needs but also adhere to ethical standards. Finally, AI can help designers identify potential ethical issues before they become a problem. AI can be used to monitor user behavior, allowing designers to spot any potential ethical issues before they become a serious concern. This can help designers create products that are ethical and user friendly. Overall, Artificial Intelligence is becoming an increasingly important influence in ethical design. AI can help automate many of the processes involved in ethical design and can be used to create more personalized experiences for users. Additionally, AI can help designers identify potential ethical issues before they become a problem. As AI continues to evolve, its influence on ethical design will only become more significant.

The Role of Ethical Design in Developing Safe and Secure Digital Experiences

The digital landscape is rapidly evolving, and with it, the ethical design of digital experiences has become increasingly important. As technology continues to advance, ethical design must also keep up in order to ensure that digital experiences are safe and secure. Ethical design is the practice of creating digital products and services that consider the moral implications of their design and use. Ethical design is used to create digital experiences that are safe, secure, and respectful of user privacy and autonomy. This type of design is important for creating digital experiences that are enjoyable and trustworthy for users.

When designing a digital experience, ethical considerations must be taken into account. This includes ensuring that users’ data is secure and that digital tools do not exploit users for the benefit of the company or organization. It also involves protecting users’ privacy and allowing them to control their own data. Additionally, ethical design should strive to create digital experiences that are accessible and equitable for all users. When it comes to security, ethical design is essential for developing safe and secure digital experiences. This includes designing systems that protect users’ data and make sure it is not accessed by unauthorized parties. It also includes designing applications that are secure against malicious attacks and are not vulnerable to exploitation.

Ethical design should also be used to create digital experiences that respect and protect user privacy. This includes making sure that users are informed about how their data is being used and giving them control over how it is shared. Additionally, it involves designing systems that protect users’ data from being used for anything other than what it was intended for. Finally, ethical design should be used to create digital experiences that are accessible and equitable for all users. This includes designing systems that are usable by all users, regardless of their ability or background. It also involves designing experiences that are respectful of diversity and inclusivity, so that all users can enjoy and benefit from the digital experience. Overall, ethical design is essential for developing safe and secure digital experiences. It is important for protecting user data, ensuring user privacy and autonomy, and creating digital experiences that are accessible and equitable for all users. In order to create successful digital experiences, ethical design must be taken into consideration at every stage of the design process.


Ethics by Design is an important concept for businesses to consider in order to ensure their operations are ethically sound. Through the creation and implementation of ethical principles, businesses can ensure that their products, services, and operations are designed with the utmost respect for the rights and dignity of all individuals. By recognizing the importance of ethical principles, businesses can create a culture of integrity, trust, and accountability, which will ultimately benefit their customers, employees, and the world at large.

This is a human-AI collaboration.

This blog is written by OpenAI, with slight human direction. Artwork by DALL E, driven by human prompts, and selected by humans from 4-8 alternatives.